Buttock lift is a fat transfer procedure performed to achieve fuller, rounder buttocks.

A buttock lift (also known as belt lipectomy) improves and/or removes excess, sagging buttock and thigh skin that has developed as a result of weight loss, aging and gravity, or genetics. By raising and tightening the skin over the buttocks, a buttock lift makes the buttocks appear less saggy, dimpled or wrinkled.

How is buttock lift surgery performed?

Buttock lift surgery is typically performed as an outpatient procedure with the use of general anesthesia. The procedure can also be performed as part of a body lift or as part of a circumferential abdominoplasty.

There is not one overall approach used for buttock lift surgery. Plastic surgeons will tailor a method that will best suit your body shape and the amount of skin and fat to be removed.

In general, the incision is made at the waist or slightly below the waist. After the incision or incisions are made, excess skin and fat is detached from the soft tissue and removed. The skin is then tightened and closed in layers.

After surgery, a sterile dressing is applied and you will wear a compression garment or elastic girdle that tightly holds the skin in to reduce swelling and aid in the natural tightening of the skin.

What results can I expect?

The results of buttock lift surgery are visible almost immediately, but it may take several months for your final results to fully develop. A buttock lift does not add volume or shape to your existing buttocks, but it can give it a sleeker, more toned appearance. View our buttock lift before and after photos to see results from actual patients.

  •   Candidates who have insufficient volume in the uppermost part of the buttocks.
  •   Candidates who have excess volume in the lower buttocks with associated cellulite.
  •   Pregnancy / aging have left you with loose skin and cellulite below the waistline.
  •   Individuals do not have medical illness / life-threatening illness that can impair healing.
  •   Non – Smokers and Non alcoholics
  •   Best suited for patients who have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure
  • A buttock lift is done under general anesthesia. The procedure approximately takes 2 hours. When buttock lift is combined with an abdominoplasty and thigh lift, it takes approximately 3 hours.

    Incisions are placed very low on the back, just above the buttocks. Through this incision surgeon removes excess skin and tightens the skin and tissue beneath the upper area of the buttocks to lift the buttocks. Incisions will be closed with absorbable sutures placed carefully under the skin, with supportive tapes on top.

    Liposuction may sometimes be incorporated to further improve body contour. Drain tubes are placed under the skin to evacuate any fluid, which may ooze after the operation. The closure of the skin is done with dissolving-type suture material, which does not require removal.

    An elastic bandage will be placed, day and night for a period of 3 to 6 weeks. This elastic pressure bandage provides support, helps prevent swelling, accelerates the skin and scar healing process.

    Patients are advised to follow the aftercare instructions for quick healing and achieving the most inconspicuous, thin line scars.

    •   Patients are advised to keep the scar dry until the stitches have been removed. The external stitches are removed 1 to 3 weeks after the procedure.
    •   Patients are advised to take rest minimum of 2 weeks following the operation.
    •   Patients can resume light activities after one week and sport activities and lifting after 6 weeks following the surgery.

    Patients must take into account the fact that Buttock lift procedure will leave you with a visible scar. The scar does fade in time but will always be visible to a certain extent.

    For the first 3 months after the surgery scar will be angry looking (red and lumpy). Then with in the period of 12 to 18 months the scar is fully mature. Until then it is important that you protect the scar well from the sun.

    Patient experience some swelling in the first few weeks following the surgery and gradually subside in 6 to 7 weeks of time

    The final result of surgery is only visible after the wound, swelling, subcutaneous tissue and scar is completely healed. This takes approximately a year. The result of a buttocks lift is permanent.

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