Dimple creation is a type of surgery used to create dimples on the cheeks.

Dimples are small visible indentations on the surface of the skin. A natural dimple is usually formed when there is a small defect in the cheek musculature. The skin overlying this small defect is stuck down to the underlying connective tissue and creates a dimple in the skin. Dimples occur on the face, tend to accentuate a smile, thus increasing the perception of attractiveness, sociability, and facial beauty.

Dimple Creation Procedure

The Surgical Method

This procedure most closely mimics a naturally occurring dimple. This procedure is performed under local anaesthesia. To create a dimple, a small painless incision is made in the inside of your cheek, creating a defect in the muscles of the face so the dimple will occur when smiling. There is a dimple present even without smiling for first few days of surgery, but after several days, the dimple is only present while smiling or moving the face.

The surgical method: This procedure most closely mimics a naturally occurring dimple. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia. To create a dimple, a small painless incision is made in the inside of your cheek, creating a defect in the muscles of the face so the dimple will occur when smiling. There is a dimple present even without smiling for first few days of surgery, but after several days, the dimple is only present while smiling or moving the face. Stitch method: The dimple is created using only a suture. The suture is placed from inside of the mouth and passed so that it catches the back side of the cheek skin so when tied in a loop, a dimple is formed.

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