Ear Surgery is performed to improve the shape, position or proportion of the ear.

(Otoplasty Cosmetic Ear Surgery)

Ear Surgery / Otoplasty is an aesthetic procedure to alter the shape, position or size of the ears with the goal of bringing balance and proportion to the ears and face.

Types Of Ear Surgery:

Ear pinning is used to position the ears more closely to the sides of the head.If the ears stick out, ear pinning can be performed to flatten the ears against the head. Reconstructive ear surgery is a form of otoplasty used to correct congenital deformities (Eg. Microtia) or injuries include burns, lacerations, and infected or torn piercings. Bilateral otoplasty is an ear pinning and reshaping surgery performed on both ears. Ear reduction surgery is a form of otoplasty used for sculpting larger ears, giving patients a more natural look which can provide balance and symmetry to the face and ears, and is often accompanied by ear pinning.

Ear Surgery Recovery

A dressing is placed over the ear for a week to help reduce the normal swelling that occurs in the ear for a few days following surgery. Take pain medication as recommended by your doctor to reduce discomfort and itching.Avoid sleeping on your side to keep pressure off your ears, Also try not to rub or place excessive force on the incisions. The ear bandages are removed after a week. Your ears will likely be swollen and red. You'll need to wear a loose headband that covers your ears at night for two to six weeks for quick healing.Most adults return to work about five days following ear surgery. Children can return to school after about a week, but they must limit their activities until they are fully healed from surgery.

You might consider otoplasty :

  •   If your ears stick out prominently and too far from your head
  •   If your ears are disproportionate to your head
  •   If you were born with overly large or small earss
  •   If you have suffered an injury that has negatively impacted the shape or positioning of your ears
  •   If you are unsatisfied with a previous ear surgery
  •   Individuals who do not have medical illness / life-threatening illness that can impair healing.
  •   Non – Smokers
  •   Best suited for patients who have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure.
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