Facial implant adds harmony and improved proportion to the face's structural appearance.

Facial Implants Procedures

Mid-Facial Implants / Cheek Implants / Cheek Augmentation

Cheek implants can be used to augment the cheeks for those patients who are born with weak cheek bones to provide fullness to the mid-face and would like a permanent solution.

Nasal Implants

Nasal implants are used to augment the tip of the nose or the bridge of the nose.

Jaw Implants And Jaw Augmentation

A jaw implant help to reduce the appearance of jowls and improve the look of a double chin and give more balance to a face and help define a weakened jaw line. The implants are placed from inside the mouth (resulting in no visible scars).

Chin Implant Or Chin Augmentation Surgery

Chin Implant surgery enhance the definition of the jaw line, achieve balance with the nose and other prominent features, and in a male, can create a stronger more masculine appearance. The procedure is typically facilitated by the use of an implant that is placed through an incision inside the mouth (resulting in no visible scars).

  •   Candidates who have a weak, sloping, or undefined chin
  •   Candidates who have sunken cheeks
  •   Candidates must be in good health, have no active diseases or serious, pre-existing medical conditions.
  •   Candidates who have thin asymmetric lips
  •   Non – Smokers and Non alcoholics
  •   Best suited for patients who have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure
  • Mid-facial implants / Cheek Implants / Cheek Augmentation: Cheek implants can be used to augment the cheeks for those patients who are born with weak cheek bones to provide fullness to the mid-face and would like a permanent solution. Nasal implants - Nasal implants are used to augment the tip of the nose or the bridge of the nose. Jaw implants and Jaw Augmentation: A jaw implant help to reduce the appearance of jowls and improve the look of a double chin and give more balance to a face and help define a weakened jaw line. The implants are placed from inside the mouth (resulting in no visible scars). Chin Implant or Chin Augmentation Surgery: Chin Implant surgery enhance the definition of the jaw line, achieve balance with the nose and other prominent features, and in a male, can create a stronger more masculine appearance. The procedure is typically facilitated by the use of an implant that is placed through an incision inside the mouth (resulting in no visible scars). Lip Augmentation - Lip Augmentation is an Aesthetic procedure that can give you fuller, plumper lips.

    Following your surgery, a head dressing will be placed over the incisions to protect you from infection and to promote proper healing. Most patients experience minimal bruising and swelling after the procedure and is eased by using cold compresses in regular intervals for several days, Patiesnts will be advised to keep the head elevated and avoid any strenuous activities, as to not disrupt the healing process. Patient should be able to return to work and other normal activities within a week. A return to light, normal activity is usually possible within a few days after Cheek, Chin or Jaw Implant Augmentation surgery. Avoid strenuous activity including heavy lifting for at least three weeks. Walking and mild stretching are fine. It's also best to avoid pushing, pulling or sleeping on the Facial Implants for the first month.

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