Neck lift is a surgical procedure performed to improve the appearance of the neck.

(Lower Rhytidectomy / Platysmaplasty)

TNeck lift is a surgical procedure helps to join and tighten the muscles of the neck, creating a firmer muscle base, remove excess fat deposits, trim excess skin, and smooth the skin for wrinkle-free neck and jaw line.

Neck Lift With Liposuction

Liposuction to the neck area can offer an age-reversing solution, especially for those with extremely lax skin.Liposuction can get rid of accumulated fat in the neck in those with good skin elasticity and tone, and tightening of the muscle can be addressed with a neck lift.

Combination Neck Lift

Those with excess skin around the chin, neck and jowls benefit most from combination neck procedures to achieve a patient's goals.

Men or women who are concerned about loose/stretched skin in the neck, with or without associated fat, and muscle laxity. Old or young patients with significant neck fat and excess skin Who have sagging skin from underneath your chin Who want to get rid of fat underneath your chin or on your neck which may be causing the appearance of a double chin Individuals do not have medical illness / life-threatening illness that can impair healing.

Non - Smokers

Patients who have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure.

You will most likely experience some swelling and minor bruising following your surgery. This will gradually subside within two to three weeks. Pain and discomfort should be minimal and can be controlled with medication. During the first week of recovery, you should limit yourself to light activity. After the first week, you may resume more moderate activity. You can return to work in approximately 10-14 days. It may be closer to three or four weeks before you can resume athletics

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