Liposuction is performed to extract fat from specific parts of the body using a suction technique.

Liposuction in Bangalore

(Vaser Liposuction In Bangalore / Liposuction In Bangalore/ Liposuction Surgery cost In Bangalore)
You eat well and regularly workout but still, the deposits of unwanted fatty tissue just won't go away. Then considering Liposuction is ideal, just a daycare procedure and contour/ shape your body forever.

Age Limits For Liposuction, Or Simply Lipo:

The minimum 18-year-old person should undergo Liposuction surgery in Bangalore and he or she must stabilize their weight prior to opting for liposuction treatment, along with adding healthy eating habits which help them retain the results forever.

Liposuction, A Cosmetic Procedure :

At MAAC the physicians are adept to provide the best liposuction in Bangalore. Our physicians would first carefully examine the areas of liposuction surgery to be performed, and then educate patients about his/her individual body type and the realistic results that they can get post-liposuction treatment.
Almost all advanced Liposuction treatments are performed early morning with complete NPO which means Nil per Orally, or nothing to be consumed by liquid or solid food by mouth minimum of 8 hours prior to treatment as they will be undergoing anaesthesia for liposuction. Liposuction surgery in Bangalore does not involve a major surgery wherein major cuts or sutures are needed, it is a Laparoscopic surgery also known as Keyhole surgery wherein 2 mm to 3 mm short incisions are made on the treating area through which the physician will insert a thin tube-like device called a cannula which is connected to a suction machine which helps suck and drains off the superficial converted fluid fat cellulite, these incisions are normally left open for drainage.
Post-surgery you will be relaxing in our recovery room for the next 5 - 6 hours as the anaesthesia effect fades off, Doctors would provide some freshwater followed by a light meal with fresh fruit juice, the post-meal doctor will train you to wear a pressure garment which one should wear post-liposuction for minimum 12 weeks 24/7 except for shower time. Once the anaesthesia effect fades off completely the doctor will discharge you which is mostly the same day after a 10 - 12 hours gap of surgery and finally, you can compare your liposuction surgery before and after look.
As liposuction surgery in Bangalore is a minimally invasive treatment so no long term hospitalization is required.

Ideal Candidates To Undergo Liposuction Surgery In Bangalore

  • Candidate who is in good health, and has deposits of fat that have not responded to diet or exercise.
  • Individuals do not have medical illness / life-threatening illnesses that can impair healing.
  • Non – Smokers
  • It is best suited for patients who have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure.
  • Procedure

    Liposuction in Bangalore is usually performed under general anaesthesia or spinal anaesthesia. Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that involves the use of a small stainless steel tube, called a cannula which is inserted through small incisions in the skin to loosen excess fat using a controlled back and forth motion. The dislodged fat is then suctioned out of the body using a powerful suction pump attached to the cannula. After the fat is removed, small drainage tubes may be inserted into the defatted areas to remove blood and fluid that collects during the first few days after surgery.

    Techniques For Liposuction, Or Simply Lipo

    Tumescent liposuction in Bangalore: Anaesthetic is injected into the area being treated, which helps blood vessels to shrink down or constrict and the fat to swell and firm up, allowing the surgeon to remove fat more smoothly and minimise blood loss and reduce postsurgical pain and bleeding.

    Suction-assisted liposuction (SAL): This advanced liposuction procedure is the most traditional form of liposuction; fat is sucked out of the body with the help of a vacuum.

    Power-assisted liposuction (PAL): This is a liposuction surgery in Bangalore where an Anaesthetic is injected into the skin as in tumescent liposuction and a special cannula that causes vibration to break up fat cells so they can be suctioned out using a powerful suction pump attached to the cannula.

    Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL): Ultrasonic energy is passed over the affected area, forming an emulsion. This energy liquefies fat and then it's removed using the suction method. UAL is good for fibrous areas, large areas, and redo liposuctions.

    VASER: VASER (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance) liposuction in Bangalore is a specialized and minimally invasive fat removal and body contouring procedure performed under local anaesthesia. VASER uses the most advanced ultrasound technology to break down fat cells, which are then removed from your body through a suction process. VASER is a suitable procedure for both men and women.

    Laser-assisted liposuction (LAL): LAL is a new technology to deliver the best liposuction in Bangalore. Here the theory is that the laser will work like ultrasound to disrupt the fat cells and make fat removal more efficient and less traumatic.


    During the first 48 hours following liposuction surgery in Bangalore, patients experience varying degrees of swelling and bruising as liposuction surgery side effects. The swelling persists longer. Bruising typically disappears within seven to ten days. Patients are advised to take rest quietly for the first few days; slight movement is permitted as early as 2 days. The patient after liposuction, or simply lipo surgery is advised to contact the doctor in case of a tight garment, pain fever, and soakage.
    Straining, bending over and lifting should be avoided during the first few days. Improvement will be more visible 4 to 6 weeks after surgery. By exercising regularly and eating healthy foods, you can help maintain your new shape. You will be able to resume most of your normal activities within ten days or less.

    Abdominal Etching

    (Ab Etching / Six Pack Short Cut)
    Abdominal etching is an aesthetic procedure to give the abs a six pack appearance and more definition. Abdominal etching surgery uses liposuction to remove some of the fat pockets in the abdominal region and often able to give the abdominal muscles much more pronounced definition than what could be achieved by spending hours at the gym.

    Abdominal Etching Procedure
    The Abdominal Etching procedure requires either general anesthesia or IV sedation, and the entire procedure can last up to an hour. Abdominal etching surgery uses liposuction to remove some of the fat pockets in the abdominal region and reshapes the existing fat by moving it into specific areas, sculpting it to appear like firm tissue. During the procedure surgeon will make one to four small incisions, each one about 2-3mm.A cannula, will be inserted into these incisions and moved back and forth across the Abdominal areas makes the area numb, restrict bleeding, prevent excessive swelling and break down fat cells. With the help of suction cannulas surgeon will remove lingering fat cells around the abdominal muscles. The surgeon will apply specific abdominal patterns depending on the present muscle tone of the patient. The patterns also consider the natural curves of the abdomen for a more realistic effect. Tiny incisions are made along the natural folds so scarring is not an issue with this procedure.


    The Abdominal Etching procedure requires either general anesthesia or IV sedation, and the entire procedure can last up to an hour. Abdominal etching surgery uses liposuction to remove some of the fat pockets in the abdominal region and reshapes the existing fat by moving it into specific areas, sculpting it to appear like firm tissue. During the procedure surgeon will make one to four small incisions, each one about 2-3mm. A cannula, will be inserted into these incisions and moved back and forth across the Abdominal areas makes the area numb, restrict bleeding, prevent excessive swelling and break down fat cells. With the help of suction cannulas surgeon will remove lingering fat cells around the abdominal muscles. The surgeon will apply specific abdominal patterns depending on the present muscle tone of the patient. The patterns also consider the natural curves of the abdomen for a more realistic effect. Tiny incisions are made along the natural folds so scarring is not an issue with this procedure.


    A compression garment is worn in the days following surgery to help in the healing process, as well as to help keep the abdomen tight and firm. Bruising, swelling and pain are most common symptoms after surgery and can be managed with proper medication. Avoid lifting heavy weights and putting any pressure at all on your abdominal area for approximately 3 weeks. Results are not instantly seen after the procedure, because the abdomen is usually swollen and bruised. This will subside in a few weeks with proper medication. Within just a few days after surgery, men will notice the rippling effect in their upper and lower stomach, which resembles a toned and muscular looking abdomen. Patients can resume normal daily activities in 10-14 days after surgery. The full results may take up to 6 months to appear.


    (Tummy Tuck)
    Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure aims to remove excess fat from abdomen and helps to tighten abdominal muscles and takes away excess loose skin from abdominal area, to achieve slimmer and firmer tummy. Most Tummy tuck procedures are performed as an aesthetic enhancement but this procedure even serves as a reconstructive procedure that helps to fix weakened abdominal muscles that cause medical issues. A Tummy Tuck is not a substitute for weight loss and is not recommended for those siverly overweight. Tummy Tuck is also not best for a woman still planning to get pregnant. Tummy Tuck Procedure Tummy tuck is performed under general anesthesia. During this procedure incision are made across the lower abdomen and around umbilicus (tummy button). Excess skin and fat may be removed and stretched or helps with tightening essential stomach muscles which loosen over and stitched in place.

    Abdominoplasty Types

    Complete Abdominoplasty / Full Tummy Tuck:
    Complete Abdominoplasty is a complex procedure which removes excess skin and tightens underlying muscles across the whole abdominal area, including area around the navel.Procedure starts with an incision that goes from one hip bone to the other hip bone and the second incision cuts the naval loose from the surrounding area. The vertical muscles in this area are tightened by sewing them together. Removes excess skin, and positions the remaining skin to its new location and creates a new location for navel.

    Ideal Candidates

  • Candidate who is in good health, and has deposits of fat that have not responded to diet or exercise.
  • Individuals do not have medical illness / life-threatening illness that can impair healing.
  • Non – Smokers
  • Best suited for patients who have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure.
  • Procedure

    Tummy tuck is performed under general anesthesia. During this procedure incision are made across the lower abdomen and around umbilicus (tummy button). Excess skin and fat may be removed and stretched or helps with tightening essential stomach muscles which loosen over and stitched in place.


    A compression garment is worn in the days following surgery to help in the healing process, as well as to help keep the abdomen tight and firm. Bruising, swelling and pain are most common symptoms after surgery and can be managed with proper medication Avoid lifting heavy weights and putting any pressure at all on your abdominal area for approximately 3 weeks. Results are not instantly seen after the procedure, because the abdomen is usually swollen and bruised. This will subside in a few weeks with proper medication Within just a few days after surgery, men will notice the rippling effect in their upper and lower stomach, which resembles a toned and muscular looking abdomen. Patients can resume normal daily activities in 10-14 days after surgery The full results may take up to 6 months to appear

    Arm Lift

    Arm lift is a cosmetic procedure that helps to improve sagging skin and excessive fat from the upper arm that has lost the elasticity and enables to have a more toned upper arm. It is often impossible to get rid of the excess sagging skin on your arms using exercise alone. One can expect long lasting results with new contoured arms that can give a boost to your overall body image.

    Arm Lift Procedure
    Arm lift surgery is carried out under general anesthetic and it takes around 4 hours and requires a 1 or 2-night hospital stay. During this procedure incision are mostly made underneath the arm and are therefore less visible. The incision can be zigzag shaped which aids healing, or a curved smile-shaped / crescent shape. Through the incision surgeon remove fat, often using liposuction, and cuts away excess skin. Then the skin is stretched and contoured into its new shape and sutured in place. The exact positioning of incisions depends on the extent and amount of skin and underlying fatty tissue that is to be removed.

    Ideal Candidates

  • Candidates who have lost significant amount of weight and left with sagging upper arms and want to enhance body counter and symmetry.
  • Candidates who have tried dieting and exercise but with little lasting effect.
  • Candidates who have excess sagging skin and fat tissue around the upper arms.
  • Ideal for candidates whose weight has stabilized and who are at or near their ideal body weight.
  • Individuals do not have medical illness / life-threatening illness that can impair healing.
  • Non – Smokers and Non alcoholics.
  • Best suited for patients who have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure.
  • Procedure

    Arm lift surgery is carried out under general anesthetic and it takes around 4 hours and requires a 1 or 2-night hospital stay. During this procedure incision are mostly made underneath the arm and are therefore less visible. The incision can be zigzag shaped which aids healing, or a curved ‘smile-shaped / crescent shape’. Through the incision surgeon remove fat, often using liposuction, and cuts away excess skin. Then the skin is stretched and contoured into its new shape and sutured in place. The exact positioning of incisions depends on the extent and amount of skin and underlying fatty tissue that is to be removed. Based on their general assessment, you may have to undergo one of four types of incisive procedures. Arm Liposuction - Arm liposuction is an option if skin has enough elasticity to shrink around the remaining tissues after fat is removed. Limited incision Brachioplasty - If excess hanging skin is located close to the armpit, then surgeon may be able to pull up and tuck this excess skin into the armpit. Standard Brachioplasty -: If your excess skin extends like a bat wing from the armpit to the elbow, the only option is complete removal of the arm flab in a standard brachioplasty. Extented Brachioplasty- This is for the most severe cases, where the accumulation of skin or fatty tissue is excessive, such as is typically seen in patients who have had a gastric bypass. In this case, the scar extends from the elbow to the lateral chest.


  • Arm is dressed and then covered in firm support bandages to alleviate swelling and pain and help prevent any blood clots.
  • Drainage tubes are placed to remove any fluid build-up in the wound, these are usually removed within a day or two. If liposuction is done, a garment is to be worn for 6 weeks.
  • Pain and burning are the common symptoms for which your surgeon will prescribe pain medication and antibiotics to prevent infection.
  • Dressings are removed 2-3 days after surgery, and sutures are removed in 7-10 days unless they are self-dissolving.
  • Patient may return to work and non-vigorous activities in about 3-6 weeks, depending on the extent of surgery.
  • Patient is advised to start walking around as soon as possible in order to reduce the swelling and prevent blood clots in your legs.
  • Regular exercise may be resumed in about 6-8 weeks or as advised by your surgeon.
  • Advised to have regular follow up visit with the surgeon.
  • Body Lift Surgery

    Body Lift Procedure
    There are a variety of body lift procedures that can be performed. The type that is best for you will depend on your ultimate aesthetic enhancement goals among many other factors. Body lift procedures include:

    Lower Body Lift / Belt Lipectomy
    A lower body lift is a less invasive procedure than full body lift which helps to remove excess skin and lift the buttocks who have experienced massive weight loss.Lower body lift is the most popular procedure as majority of weight loss occurs in areas such as the buttocks, hips, and thighs. This procedure will tighten the lower abdomen, waist, hips, buttocks, and outer thighs. A lower body lift can not only remove this excess skin, but also lift the buttocks and add flattering contours to the patients body. It is a less invasive procedure than a full body lift and can help patients who have experienced massive weight loss as well as those whose lower body skin has begun to sag due to pregnancy or aging.

    Mid-Body Lift / Torsoplasty
    Mid body lift treats abdominal muscles in addition to thighs, hips and buttocks. During mid body lift surgeon will remove excess skin via incisions similar to those used in lower body lift and then use the incision around the waist to access the abdominal muscles and pull them together and stitch them into place to create flatter stomach. This process can also repair any existing tears or damage to these muscles.

    Full Body Lift / Total Body Lift
    A full body lift is performed under general anaesthesia. This procedure is most frequently used to shape and contour the body after significant weight loss. During this procedure, the droopy skin around the abdomen, arms, and legs is removed and the lower tissue of the abdomen is lifted up Full body lift procedure is a combination of both mid and upper body lift surgeries. During this procedure surgeon make incision around the waist to access the abdominal muscles in the same way as in mid body lift and tightens abdominal muscles and remove excess fat and skin Next surgeon will perform upper body lift, which may be done on same day or on different day. During this procedure surgeon will make an incision into your underarms and back to tighten your muscles, remove excess fat, and trim the skin for a fitter look.

    Ideal Candidates

  • Body lift surgery is ideal for those who have experienced extreme weight loss and want to enhance body counter and symmetry.
  • Candidates who have excess sagging skin and fat tissue around the thighs, abdomen, buttock, and hip area.
  • Ideal for candidates whose weight has stabilized and who are at or near their ideal body weight.
  • Candidate who is in good health, and has deposits of fat that have not responded to diet or exercise.
  • Individuals do not have medical illness / life-threatening illness that can impair healing.
  • Non – Smokers and Non alcoholics.
  • Best suited for patients who have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure.
  • Procedure

    There are a variety of body lift procedures that can be performed. The type that is best for you will depend on your ultimate aesthetic enhancement goals among many other factors. Body lift procedures include: Lower Body lift / Belt Lipectomy A lower body lift is a less invasive procedure than full body lift which helps to remove excess skin and lift the buttocks who have experienced massive weight loss. Lower body lift is the most popular procedure as majority of weight loss occurs in areas such as the buttocks, hips, and thighs. This procedure will tighten the lower abdomen, waist, hips, buttocks, and outer thighs. A lower body lift can not only remove this excess skin, but also lift the buttocks and add flattering contours to the patients body. It is a less invasive procedure than a full body lift and can help patients who have experienced massive weight loss as well as those whose lower body skin has begun to sag due to pregnancy or aging. Mid-Body Lift / Torsoplasty : Mid body lift treats abdominal muscles in addition to thighs, hips and buttocks. During mid body lift surgeon will remove excess skin via incisions similar to those used in lower body lift and then use the incision around the waist to access the abdominal muscles and pull them together and stitch them into place to create flatter stomach. This process can also repair any existing tears or damage to these muscles. Full Body Lift / Total Body Lift: A full body lift is performed under general anesthesia. This procedure is most frequently used to shape and contour the body after significant weight loss. During this procedure, the droopy skin around the abdomen, arms, and legs is removed and the lower tissue of the abdomen is lifted up. Full body lift procedure is a combination of both mid and upper body lift surgeries. During this procedure surgeon make incision around the waist to access the abdominal muscles in the same way as in mid body lift and tightens abdominal muscles and remove excess fat and skin. Next surgeon will perform upper body lift, which may be done on same day or on different day. During this procedure surgeon will make an incision into your underarms and back to tighten your muscles, remove excess fat, and trim the skin for a fitter look.


  • Depending on the extent of surgery, patient may remain in the hospital for 1-3 days.
  • Patient may be fitted with an elastic compression garment to reduce swelling and maintain skin contour until healing is complete.
  • A small drainage tube may be inserted to prevent fluid build-up.
  • Pain and burning are the common symptoms for which your surgeon will prescribe pain medication and antibiotics to prevent infection.
  • Dressings are removed 2-3 days after surgery, and sutures are removed in 7-10 days unless they are self-dissolving.
  • Patient may return to work and non-vigorous activities in about 3-6 weeks, depending on the extent of surgery.
  • Patient is advised to start walking around as soon as possible in order to reduce the swelling and prevent blood clots in your legs.
  • Regular exercise may be resumed in about 6-8 weeks or as advised by your surgeon.
  • Advised to have regular follow up visit with the surgeon.
  • The final results of your body lift should be obvious about 3 months after surgery. If you eat a healthy diet and adopt a regular exercise, you will maintain and strengthen your new body counter.
  • Thigh Lift

    A thigh lift is a surgical procedure to remove skin, fat and tissue from the thighs in order to attain better-proportioned contours of the thighs and lower body. This procedure is especially helpful for those who struggle with loose, excess skin as a result of weight loss.

    Thigh Lift Procedure
    Thigh lift procedure is usually conducted under local anaesthesia. Thigh lift surgery usually takes two to three hours to perform. Extend of incision may depend on the severity of the condition. Incision may extend from the thigh or only part of the way around the thigh in the groin crease between the trunk and the thigh. After the incision, skin is elevated gently and removes excess skin and fat and redrapes the skin over the underlying muscles. The incisions are carefully closed in multiple layers of strong sutures to minimize your scar.

    Thigh Lift Recovery
    A sterile dressing is applied to the incisions, and a compression garment is placed over the thighs. This helps support your legs during healing, decreases post-operative swelling, and helps decrease any bruising that may occur. Patient may experience some mild to moderate pain for 1 week following the procedure, which can be controlled with medication. Patient will also have some swelling and bruising in the first few days, but this will completely disappear within 4-6 weeks. Advised to keep the legs elevated to expedite this process. Bandages are removed in 2-4 days. If drains are placed, they will be removed in 1-3 days.

    Ideal Candidates

  • Candidates who have lost significant amount of weight and want to enhance body counter and symmetry.
  • Candidates who have excess sagging skin and fat tissue around the thigh.
  • Candidates who have tried dieting and exercise but with little lasting effect.
  • Ideal for candidates whose weight has stabilized and who are at or near their ideal body weight.
  • Individuals do not have medical illness / life-threatening illness that can impair healing.
  • Non – Smokers and Non alcoholics
  • Best suited for patients who have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure
  • Procedure

    Thigh lift procedure is usually conducted under local anesthesia. Thigh lift surgery usually takes two to three hours to perform. Extend of incision may depend on the severity of the condition. Incision may extend from the thigh or only part of the way around the thigh in the groin crease between the trunk and the thigh. After the incision, skin is elevated gently and removes excess skin and fat and redrapes the skin over the underlying muscles. The incisions are carefully closed in multiple layers of strong sutures to minimize your scar.


    A sterile dressing is applied to the incisions, and a compression garment is placed over the thighs. This helps support your legs during healing, decreases post-operative swelling, and helps decrease any bruising that may occur. Patient may experience some mild to moderate pain for 1 week following the procedure, which can be controlled with medication. Patient will also have some swelling and bruising in the first few days, but this will completely disappear within 4-6 weeks. Advised to keep the legs elevated to expedite this process. Bandages are removed in 2-4 days. If drains are placed, they will be removed in 1-3 days. No strenuous activities, heavy lifting, aerobic exercises, swimming, contact sports, tennis, or golf should be planned for the first three weeks. Patient can return to sedentary work in 1-2 weeks, if you have stopped taking prescription pain medication. If you are able to keep your feet elevated at work, you may return sooner.

    Our Doctors
    Maac Clinic

    Dr.Ramesh K.T

    HOD Plastic Surgery Department

    Maac Clinic

    Dr.Peddi Manjunath

    Plastic Surgeon

    Maac Clinic

    Dr. Karan Shetty

    Plastic Surgeon

    Maac Clinic

    Dr. Mithun

    Consultant Anesthetist

    Maac Clinic

    Dr.Guru Prasad M.R

    Consultant Anesthetist

    Maac Clinic

    Dr. Srihari Reddy

    Consultant General Physician


    Lipo plastic or liposuction in Bangalore is a surgical method which is done using a suction technique that helps to remove unwanted fat from specific body areas including hips, buttocks, neck and abdomen. Contouring or shaping can also be done on these body parts with the help of liposuction.

    When a person gains too much weight causing fat cells to expand in size and quantity, the liposuction surgery in Bangalore reduces the number of fat cells in the desired area. The volume of fat that will be removed depends on the appearance of the area and the volume of fat present there.

    When you undergo the best liposuction in Bangalore, MAAC firstly analyse if your body and health are in a sound situation. A complete body checkup is carried out and medication history is asked by our doctors.

    During liposuction surgery in Bangalore, the patient is given anaesthesia, then small incisions are made in order to access the fat in the body area. A suction device is then inserted through the incisions and the fat between the muscles and the skin is extracted. Once the fat is extracted patients are instructed to drink fluids in an adequate amount. Doctors recommend patients carry out heavy and strenuous tasks for a time being after surgery.

    The liposuction surgery cost in Bangalore ranges from Rs. 50,000 to Rs.2,00,000. The amount that needs to be incurred in your surgery would entirely depend on individual factors like the procedure you want to undergo, area, bulk and amount of skin laxity.

    At MAAC we suggest patients never pick a clinic based on the price only as this is about your body and its safety so always pick a clinic that offers the best liposuction in Bangalore without causing any harm to your body and health.

    MAAC offers the best liposuction in Bangalore performed by top surgeons with years of experience.

    Here liposuction is performed organically under local anaesthesia, keeping in mind the safety of patients and guidelines of liposuction.

    The latest technology and advancement techniques are used here including powered liposuction (PAL), and laser to enhance results.

    We endeavour to satisfy our patients from surgery without compromising their health and body safety.

    Upon completion of the liposuction surgery in Bangalore, you can return to work within a few days. Within 2 weeks after surgery, you will feel yourself again and will be able to perform your routine tasks except for strenuous tasks as recommended by the doctors.

    In the case of long-term recuperation, it will typically take 3 months, allowing swelling to decrease.

    For a few weeks after surgery, you may have to go through bruising, swelling, and soreness.

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